How to Make Homemade Hummus

By Mr Negroni  •   4 minute read

How to Make Homemade Hummus

How to Make Homemade Hummus: A Simple and Delicious Recipe

Homemade hummus is a creamy, flavorful, and nutritious dip that's incredibly easy to make. It's a versatile dish that can be served as a snack, appetizer, or even a spread for sandwiches and wraps. In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to make perfect homemade hummus, providing tips, techniques, and variations to suit your taste preferences.

Why You’ll Love Homemade Hummus


  1. Healthy: Packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.
  2. Easy to Make: Simple ingredients and quick preparation.
  3. Versatile: Can be customized with various flavors and toppings.
  4. Fresh Flavor: Enjoy the vibrant taste of freshly made hummus.


Basic Ingredients:

  • 1 can (15 ounces) chickpeas (garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (1 large lemon)
  • 1/4 cup well-stirred tahini
  • 1 small garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus more for serving
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons water
  • Paprika or sumac, for garnish (optional)
  • Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish (optional)


Step 1: Prepare the Chickpeas

  1. Rinse and Drain: Drain and rinse the chickpeas under cold water. This helps remove excess sodium and any canning liquid.

Step 2: Blend the Tahini and Lemon Juice

  1. Process: In a food processor, combine the tahini and lemon juice. Process for about 1 minute until the mixture is creamy and well-blended. This step helps create a smoother hummus.

Step 3: Add the Garlic, Oil, and Spices

  1. Blend: Add the minced garlic, olive oil, ground cumin, and a pinch of salt to the tahini and lemon juice mixture. Process for another 30 seconds, scraping down the sides as needed.

Step 4: Incorporate the Chickpeas

  1. Process in Batches: Add half of the chickpeas to the food processor and process for 1 minute. Scrape down the sides, then add the remaining chickpeas and process until thick and smooth, about 1 to 2 minutes.

Step 5: Adjust Consistency and Flavor

  1. Add Water: With the food processor running, slowly add 2 to 3 tablespoons of water until the hummus reaches your desired consistency.
  2. Season to Taste: Taste the hummus and adjust the seasoning as needed, adding more salt, lemon juice, or cumin to taste.

Step 6: Serve and Garnish

  1. Transfer to a Bowl: Spoon the hummus into a serving bowl.
  2. Garnish: Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with paprika or sumac. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley if desired.
  3. Serve: Serve with pita bread, vegetable sticks, or as a spread for sandwiches and wraps.

Tips for Perfect Homemade Hummus

1. Use Quality Tahini

  • Flavor: Good-quality tahini makes a big difference in the flavor of your hummus. Look for tahini that is smooth and not too bitter.

2. Process Tahini and Lemon Juice First

  • Creaminess: Blending the tahini and lemon juice first helps create a creamier hummus.

3. Peel the Chickpeas (Optional)

  • Smoother Texture: For an extra smooth hummus, remove the skins from the chickpeas. Gently rub the chickpeas between your fingers to remove the skins.

4. Adjust Consistency

  • Water: Add water a little at a time to achieve the perfect consistency. The hummus should be smooth and creamy, not too thick or too runny.

Customizing Your Homemade Hummus

Flavor Variations:

  • Roasted Red Pepper Hummus: Add 1/2 cup of roasted red peppers to the food processor and blend with the chickpeas.
  • Garlic Hummus: Increase the garlic to 2 or 3 cloves for a stronger garlic flavor.
  • Spicy Hummus: Add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper or a dash of hot sauce for a spicy kick.
  • Herb Hummus: Add 1/4 cup of fresh herbs such as basil, cilantro, or parsley for a fresh, herby flavor.
  • Sun-Dried Tomato Hummus: Add 1/4 cup of sun-dried tomatoes to the food processor and blend with the chickpeas.

Dietary Modifications:

  • Oil-Free: Omit the olive oil and add a little more water or aquafaba (the liquid from the canned chickpeas) to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Low-Sodium: Use low-sodium or no-salt-added chickpeas and adjust the salt to taste.

Serving Suggestions


  • Pita Bread: Serve with warm pita bread or pita chips.
  • Vegetable Sticks: Offer a variety of vegetable sticks such as carrots, celery, bell peppers, and cucumber.
  • Sandwich Spread: Use as a spread for sandwiches, wraps, or burgers.
  • Salad Topper: Add a dollop of hummus to salads for extra flavor and creaminess.

Storage Tips:

  • Refrigerate: Store homemade hummus in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, freeze hummus in small portions in airtight containers for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before serving.


Making homemade hummus is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to create a delicious and nutritious dip tailored to your taste. With fresh ingredients and the right techniques, you can achieve a creamy and flavorful hummus that elevates any dish. Whether you prefer it plain or with added flavors, homemade hummus is a versatile addition to your kitchen. Enjoy experimenting with different variations and savor the fresh taste of homemade hummus!

Did you try this recipe? Share your experience and any customizations you made in the comments below!

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